Pro-44HP Melodion
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Detta är bland det bästa man kan ha om man vill ha ett bra Melodica spel. Med inbyggd mikrofon.
The newest member of the Hammond-Suzuki Melodion family is the 44HP or "High- Power" model.
Taking the 44H a step beyond, the 44HP has new reeds that give a brighter, louder sound. The perforated body allows more sound to escape, making this model perfect for electric band use. Like the 44H, the 44HP has a built-in microphone, however this deluxe Melodion is the first to sport a 44-note keyboard and a built-in microphone with volume control.
Its strong yet lightweight construction is built to last, like any Hammond. Its tone is warm and deep, from the phosphor bronze reeds.
The Hammond 44H and HP model is the first Melodion that incorporates a built-in Dynamic Microphone, which creates less mechanical noise compared to an external microphone and an exceptional clear reed sound with H.D. quality Sound reproduction. This unique microphone creates a very warm and deep sound that can't be matched by an external microphone.
The Hammond 44HP incorporates the first 44 note piano style keyboard on a Melodion instrument. The lowest keyboard note is c and ends at g3. This wider range keyboard is especially useful when playing the Acoustic/Electric Melodion in a solo performance.
The keyboard has a slightly shallow key stroke compared to other keyboard products. This aids the musician when fast fingering or glissandos are required.
There are three types of mouthpieces included with the Hammond 44. With the Short mouthpiece and hand-strap, you can play the Hammond 44 upright like a trumpet, or use the Flexible mouthpiece to hold the 44 at arm's length, sling the 44 on like a guitar (with a guitar strap and the included strap buttons). Using the L Joint long mouthpiece you can play it as a table-top instrument, with the option of putting it on top of your organ, piano or synth.
The Hammond 44 is the finest, most deluxe and most versatile Melodion (Keyboard Harmonica) ever produced. Designed in collaboration with leading Harmonica manufacturer Suzuki Musical Inst. Mfg. Co., Ltd. the Hammond 44 offers many unique features that will compliment all facets of music.
Pops, Jazz, Roots, Rock, Country, Blues, Latin, Reggae, World/Ethnic and Folk... the Hammond 44 High power is perfect for all of these genres.
Keyboard & Range: 44 keys, c - g3
Sound Source: Phosphorous Bronze Tapered Plated Reed Microphone Output: ¼" Phone Jack Microphone Type: Dynamic Control: Volume Dimensions: 56,5cm(W) x 10,7cm(D) x 5cm(H) Weight: 1,3kg Tuning: a=442Hz Accessories: Short Mouthpiece, Flexible Mouthpiece, L Joint Long Mouthpiece, Polishing Cloth, Gig bag Note: The instrument sounds at "C concert pitch" |
Tillverkare | Hammond |
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